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Work It.

Hip. Hip. Hooray! We’re literally counting down the days until it’s officially “Back to School.” Summer is fun, but the truth is, we’re ready and excited to get back to a weekly routine. And we’re not just talking bedtime, but time for personal fitness. Still have a toddler at home, or need to work fitness in during family time? We can help there too! We asked Lara Harrington of Boutique Fitness for some tips on how to stay fit with your kids. Another bonus right now: the weather is cooling down, which makes outdoor play that much more fun.

“Fitness can be accomplished while in the company of your children, and better yet, they can participate. Teach through example that health and fitness are important to you. Here are my top picks for engaging in fun fitness with your kids” – Lara

Ways to Stay Fit with Kids.

1) Downward Facing Dog Kids love this one

2) Squats & Jump Squats Take turns calling the jump squats.

3) Counting Game Have your child be the “trainer” and count your reps while you complete a full set of squats and pushups.

4) Planks & Pushups You’ll be amazed at how strong they are. 

5) Jumping Jacks Classic! Have a contest to see who can do the most before quitting

6) Let’s Race! Change up the footwork – regular run, high knees, bum kicks, side shuffle, and high skips 

7) Name It Here’s where kids can really get creative. Do any combination of exercises and have your child name it, or visa versa, they name a combination and you work it out.

Another way to get moving and a MoPa favorite: Dance Party! Never underestimate the power of a good dance party. Challenge each other with silly moves and keep going until you break a sweat! It doesn’t get more fun than that.

Keep these few key things in mind: Elevate your heart rate, be consistent, have fun

“Some days this is the only way to get a workout in, and it is helping to teach my children about their bodies and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.”   – Jessica, client of Boutique Fitness

images by Ashley Elizabeth Photography

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